Todd felt called to ministry in 7th grade and surrendered his life to go where ever God led him. In 1987, while serving as a mission team volunteer in Ocean City, Maryland, God confirmed to him that one day it would be resort ministry. Some 15 years later, he would begin serving in Myrtle Beach.
Upon finishing high school, Todd went on to Carson Newman College in Jefferson City, TN to receive a degree in Communication Arts. He then went to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX to receive his Masters Degree in Religious Education. In 1994, he began to serve on the staff of First Baptist Church Maryville, TN as Minister of Youth and later Minister of Recreation. In 2000, he left FBC Maryville and began serving in Newnan, GA with Sonrise Baptist Church to develop a recreation ministry at this new church plant. In 2001, Todd applied with the North American Mission Board to serve as a Resort Missionary.
In November 2002, Todd began serving as a Resort Missionary with the North American Mission Board, South Carolina Baptist Convention, and Waccamaw Baptist Association in Myrtle Beach. He continued to develop this ministry that had been created as Grand Strand Ministries more than 50 years ago. In 2009, this ministry came to an end with its current partnerships, but it was reborn in 2010 under the new name of IMPACT Ministries with a board in place of local pastors and lay leadership. Todd has continued to develop this ministry and follow God’s leadership. With great expectation, he waits to see what new door God opens tomorrow so he can continue to share the Good News!

Mike & Angie Moncrief
Mike and Angie Moncrief moved with their family from Indiana to Myrtle Beach in late April 2017. After meeting the team at Impact Ministries during their Spring Break vacation in March 2017, they knew God was calling them to serve along the Grand Strand and they made the move to Myrtle Beach 4 weeks later. They both have a heart for missions and to reach those who are forgotten, overlooked, or abandoned in their own back yard and beyond.
They believe in the power of short term mission trips and have seen God do amazing things during them. Mike and Angie get excited when sharing about the opportunities for the teams of any age that come to serve, grow in Christ and experience what God has been speaking to them. Together they have assisted many local ministries since moving to South Carolina, have helped spread the love of Jesus by leading multiple mission trips to the Appalachian Valley in Tennessee, a team to St. Croix in 2015 and successfully completed the lecture phase of a Discipleship Training School through Youth With A Mission in December 2023.
Mike and Angie have a strong passion to see the community around them changed for Christ and get excited when others join with them as they build relationships in neighborhoods that are often looked over and cast aside. They both are deeply connected in the community and engaged in the local church. Through homework clubs, food and clothing distribution, and by engaging the local community to give back- Mike and Angie are on the ground serving the Lord daily wherever He leads them. They share a passion to empower, lead, and teach others to find the gifts that God has planted inside them.

Christy Morris
Christy has felt called to serve oversees as a missionary from a very young age. The passion to serve was there, but God had not opend this door for her until 2014 when we began the All Nations Cafe'. Who knew that God would bring the International Mission field to her.
Each summer, more than 4,000 J1 visa students come to Myrtle Beach from around the world to work and live in our city. Christy coordinates this ministry of more than 15 local churches who come together 3 nights a week to feed these students, offer bikes to ride all summer, play games, teach them English, talk about safety, protect them from sexual trafficing and to share what it means to have a relationship with Christ.
Christy has also partnered with the City of Myrtle Beach to now offer a weekly orientation to these students seeing hundreds of them walk through the doors of the church, most for the first time. During this training the students can learn more about bike safety, housing, jobs, and about the All Nations Cafe'.
If you are your church would like to serve in the cafe', please give Christy a call or send her an e-mail.